Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year, New Goals

While some people might feel the need to commit to resolutions in the new year, I've always thought that goals are more important, easier to keep and harder to slip out of. That said, here are some of the goals that I am mulling over in the new year (I do not know whether they collide with my 101 in 1001 or not):

Keep up with putting events/contacts into my PDA. I'm always forgetting stuff. Not phone numbers or names but events. I am the worst calendar keeper known to man. If I put it on there, I will remember, if I don't, I won't.

Start and finish part 3 of the story. I've already started it (one paragraph scribbled in pencil on a coil-scribbler whose location I don't know counts, right?)

Go through with the blue pen and edit the heck out of parts 1 and 2 of the story.

50 books (ho hum, been there, done that)

Bike to work more regularly in the summer

Make my lunch more regularly all the way around

So that's it. The enormous first post of 2008. It would be more substantive but I haven't even mulled over 2007 yet. Should hopefully be more upbeat than the 2006 version of the same thing.

Until more later on,


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