Let me know what you think:
1. Finish “writing software”
4. Finish the wedding story
5. Finish the samurai cross-stitch
6. Write one hundred non-updatish blog posts
7. Finish my football stat program
8. Start and finish another cross-stitch project
11. Finish the installer section of my technical blog
12. Finish the Simpsons puzzle
13. Write a mystery story
14. Write a “101 things I’m grateful for” list
15. Write a letter to the editor
16. Get back into journaling
17. Complete all of the writing exercises I promised I’d do (scribe’s, and the two writing books)
18. Develop and deploy an application for PalmOS
19. Write a “101 things that piss me off” list
20. Finish the work on my walking stick
21. Make use of my coffee stir-sticks
23. Start a “favourite recipes” database – maybe with a simple front end – and keep it up
24. Write five short stories
25. Write five non-fantasy stories (of any length)
27. Create, launch and maintain a family website
28. Create, launch and maintain a writing website
32. Finish Narnia with Nick
33. Start and finish Prydain with Nick
34. Adopt the boy
35. Start reading to Lillian
38. Take my wife out dancing
40. Go on at least 1 field trip with Nicholas in grade 1.
41. Daddy-daughter day (once it’s feasible)
43. Clean out the car once a month
44. Develop wedding pictures and pick some good ones to hang
45. Walks with lilly and the dog twice a week at least
46. Build a dog house
47. Build a shed
49. Transform the flex room into a downstairs bathroom with jacuzzi tub
50. Mow the lawn once per week in-season
52. Tear down at least one wall in the basement
53. Fix the ceiling fan in the kitchen
54. Install and use Quicken Home Inventory for my home inventory
56. Hang a clothes line in the back yard
57. Cut my to-read list in half
58. Catch up on all of the book series I am behind on
59. Get down to 220 lbs and stay there
61. Figure out calculus
64. Write a letter to my former landlady and send it
65. Bring lunches to work daily.
67. Dedicate at least one day per month to the completion of these 101 in 1001 goals (daily routine aside)
69. Stretch before and after each time I play a sport (pool excluded)
70. Focusing exercises once a week for two months
71. Apply at tigerfish for some freelance transcription work
72. Go canoeing (lake, river – something)
74. Finish either Metroid Prime or Zelda. Windwaker
75. Read the rest of “Lord of the Rings”
78. Go a week without coffee
79. Go a month without eating out (work cafeteria included)
80. Play tennis
81. Drink water every meal for a month
83. Donate blood
87. Long bike trip (details to come)
89. Completely organize our movies
90. Scan all of my drawings into the computer
91. Finish cataloging my book collection
95. Do a “Do I really need this?” on my clothes
98. Finish entering all the stuff I have on paper into the computer
68. If you want to get back into chess, try If you want to play me, find user "gimpie" :)
84. Noble goal. The hardest part of riding in anything other than nice weather takes one thing. Leaving the house dressed almost warm enough. After the first time you find out that it's not that bad, and do it again :)
85.This site is extremely helpfull. http://www.parktool.com/repair/ Oh, and Mountain Equipment Coop has excellent prices for a lot of tools and parts. Look for the MEC brand and you'll save a bundle.
86. See 85 :)
87. If you're ever considering a long bike ride and sounds a bit like fun - check out http://www.cyclecanada.com/All.html
I'm tempted to do Quebec City to Halifax
95. Do a "Have I worn this in the last 6 months?" If it's something specialized (like ski pants, swimming trunks) then it's "Have I worn this in the last year?" Suits are exempt as long as they fit well.
I found out that a lot of my closet was being taken up with clothes that I don't miss at all :)
Good luck with the goals! :)
Great list! Good luck and welcome to the journey!! :)
I'm a big fan of #56.
I like the list and the fact that some items came as a big surprise to me.
Number five? Come on, Liam. It's been, like, seven years!
Wow Liam, that's crazy that you wrote that all down. good luck!
Damn...impressive stuff, overall. I now find myself wondering how long of a list I could come up with...curse you!
Good luck, though.
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